Training VCA-VIL-VCU
This course is intended for temporary workers.
VCA is a care system that stands for Safety, Health and Environment Checklist Contractors. All operational employees and managers must have successfully completed a safety, health and environmental training course, including the exam.
In our VCA-approved exam centre, courses consist of theoretical lessons.
After passing the theoretical exam (max. 2 hours), you will receive a VCA diploma.
1-day training VCA VIL VCU
It is possible to take the exam on the day of the training or to determine a later date in consultation.
2-day training VCA VIL VCU
In this formula, the theory is discussed in more detail.
It is possible to take the exam on the day of the training or to determine a later date in consultation.
Theoretical exam only
With this formula, it is possible to study the course independently and come and take the theoretical exam at TVH Academy.
This is possible in one of our three training centres. For more information and dates about this, you can contact TVH Academy.