The examination center is VCA-certified. Our training programs comply with the standards of the Risky Tasks Register. You can choose to take the VCA exam and obtain the VCA-certified driving skills/safety certificate.
Choose from our standard offer or opt for a customized training. At your request, our trainers can provide the training at a location of your choice.
Where do these trainings take place?
This can be at our training centers in Waregem, Heusden-Zolder, Londerzeel, or Nivelles. Additionally, we can also organize training sessions at your location.
What do these trainings include?
The Academy's training programs consist of theoretical lessons and/or practical lessons, possibly followed by an exam. At the end of the course, every successful participant receives a certificate/proof of participation.
What happens after the training?
Even after obtaining the certificate, participants must stay informed about the specific working conditions on the job site.
When do these trainings take place?
Contact us via training@tvhequipment.com or +32 56 73 74 00 for more information.